Trans is not a word. It's a prefix. Stop using it as a word. Transgender and
Transsexual are two different things. Stop saying Transgender for
Let's break down some history:
Gay Community
Gay and
Lesbian Community (I guess because lesbians aren't gay)
LGB (What about
the Bisexuals? and why are Lesbians first now?)
LGBT (Hey! The
Transsexuals want to be included)
LGBTQ (Because Gay wasn't queer to
begin with)
LGBTIQ (You left out Intersex)
LGBTIQ+ (Happy now?)
(Gays be like: Oh Hellllll NO! FUCK THAT PEDOPHILE SHIT! )
Pedos make up their own acronym: MAPs. Minor Attracted Persons. Umm..
NO! Everyone else still knows that's just wrong.
*Note: Pedophiles can be either sex or gender**

where are the Asexuals, and Pansexuals? You got the + sign. Take
it or leave it. Why are we including
Genders with Sexes?
**Note: The suffixes "sexual" and "gender" mean two different
things. Sexual refers to sexual preference or who you like to
have sex with. Gender refers to masculine or feminine. Unless I've
missed an evolutionary hiccup, that's all that exists in the
human race.
You can be Heterosexual Male, and Heterosexual
Female. That means you like to sleep with the opposite sex.
Suppose You are a Heterosexual Transgender Female. That means
you are a Male who identifies as a woman and likes to have sex
with women. (A lesbian in a man's body). Would that make you a
Heterosexual Transgender Female Lesbian? Wait... wuuuhhht?